Cooper's Competition Page
Cooper has earned a total of 10 agility titles and countless first placements. He is currently in
We are currently competing in Agility Master level.
Cooper has Competed in Weimaraner Nationals in 2010, 2012, 2013. We are looking forward to 2014 nationals.

Nov 2010, Cooper competed in his first Junior hunter test. With high scores, extreme hot temperatures, cooper pointed 4 quail the first day which earned him his first Leg. The next day he found two quail and earned his second JH leg.
Jan 2011 started off with a bang. In Tennessee, Cooper competed in the bitter cold rainy weather to earn his last two JH legs.
Cooper has long range, high bird drive, and stamina. He loves the water.
Cooper was the first blue weim to earn the highest honor of RALLY ADVANCED EXCELLENT.
In 2009, he was ranked number one weim in Rally Advanced level. Rankings for 2010 will come out in the near future by magazine Front and Finish
We started our obedience competition training this year and have earned 2 legs toward our title. One more leg and we will have a "CD" title. CD stands for Companion Dog for novice obedience..
Our goal is to acheive a Tracking title (TD),
BLUES CAN SHOW IN ANY EVENT EXCEPT CONFORMATION IN AKC. Get out there and be proud to show off your training skills and your dog.